Today, I’m contemplating divorce again. The morning started out fine; I even tried to hug my husband a little. We headed to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. On the way, there was a car moving too slowly for my husband’s liking, so he dangerously sped past it. There was a pedestrian walking nearby, and I was terrified. This road rage, especially with our two young kids in the car and others on the road endangered, made me angry. I told my husband that his behavior was extremely dangerous, which only annoyed him further. He snapped at me to stop nagging. I usually don’t nag, but this was a very good reason to speak up!
After that, he told me he wouldn’t be coming home tonight. I replied, “Okay, I don’t really care.” He mulled this over and then started listing the things I need to pay for, which I was also fine with. He didn’t speak further.
At Grandma’s house, we had breakfast. The kids were given yogurt, despite my younger one having a milk allergy. I was horrified. How could they be so careless? Did they want to send him to the hospital? They brushed it off, saying he was fine. Minutes later, his allergy started showing on his face. I immediately took the yogurt away, already annoyed at their irresponsibility. His face turned red, and red spots appeared on his body. I grabbed the car keys to get his medicine from our house.
The grandparents and my husband insisted he was just tired, which was unbelievable since we had woken up only two hours earlier. I rushed to get the medicine, and when I returned, my child was not in the house. My husband said he was sleeping. I started yelling slightly, asking if he realized the potential danger of not taking the medicine immediately. I found Grandpa and my baby downstairs; he wasn’t sleeping at all. I quickly took him inside and gave him the medicine.
Everyone kept saying he was just sleepy. I told my husband to wait and see; after the medicine took effect, our baby would be back to normal. I ignored everyone else because they ignored the seriousness of the situation. About 10-15 minutes later, my baby started smiling again, his usual happy self. I gave him some soy milk, and there were no traces of a sleepy or crying baby anymore. Of course, no one acknowledged their mistake.
This day has been overwhelming and exhausting, further confirming my thoughts about divorce.